WHAT IS A CAMWALKER? CAM walker stands for “controlled- ankle-movement” walker. The CAM walker immobilizes your ankle and provides even pressures across your whole foot and leg. It is often called a MOONBOOT and AIRBOOT or a WALKING CAST. They may be ANKLE HIGH or KNEE HIGH. Some have a pump atached to front with a release valve so you can tailor how firm the boot is, this is especially useful if you have thinner legs.

WHEN IS A CAMWALKER USED? A CAM walker is worn after surgery, injuries to tendons or ligaments, fractures and chronic overuse injuries. It can be used instead of a plaster cast.

WHEN SHOULD I WEAR MY CAMWALKER? Wear the CAM walker at all times including at night and in the shower, unless your Podiatrist tells you otherwise. It is not uncommon in some injuries for you to be able to remove your CAMWALKER when you are sitting/sleeping or resting. You may be able to remove the CAMWALKER to drive - please speak to your Podiatrist. You MUST NOT drive WHILST WEARING the CAMWALKER.

CAN I WEAR MY CAMWALKER IN THE SHOWER? Generally NO. There are some exceptions to this, including AFTER surgery in some cases where you may be required to encase the CAMWALKER in a plastic bag. Ask you Podiatrist for clarification, however generally you may take it off to shower. Be careful to put as little weight on your injured leg/foot as possible and if required please SIT in the shower on a plastic chair.

WHAT IS A ROCKER SOLE? Most CAMWALKERS have what is called a “rocker sole”. This is a slightly curved surface on the bottom of the boot which helps in walking and with knee flexion.

HOW DO I CARE FOR MY LEG/FOOT & CAMWALKER? Check your legs and feet DAILY for red marks, blisters or skin irritation. Always wear a long thin sock whilst using your CAMWALKER and change the sock daily. This will help keep your CAMWALKER clean. The padded foam liner can be removed carefully and washed. Please ask your Podiatrist for help to do this if required.

Your CAMWALKER may cause an imballance or leg length difference whilst wearing it, you should ALWAYS wear a lace up walking shoe on the other foot to try and counter this. If you have any knee, hip or back issues whilst wearing your CAMWALKER please let your Podiatrist know.

HOW DO I PUT ON MY CAMWALKER? 1. Sit down with your knee bent and open the foam liner out wide. 2. Place your foot into the CAMWALKER. Make sure your heel is all the way down (flat) and at the back of the CAM walker. 3. Place a small pad over the top of the ankle if required (most modern CAMWALKERS have this already built in). 4. Wrap the foam liner firmly around your leg and across the top of your foot. 5. If you have one, place the top ARMOUR GUARD on the top of the foot/front of leg. Then, attach the ankle strap firmly, this will place your ankle in the correct position. 6. Next, fasten the foot strap – then, fasten each strap going up towards the knee – the straps should be as firm as possible without causing you pain.

HOW TO REMOVE THE CAMWALKER? Remove each strap from top to bottom. Unwrap the liner velcro and slide your foot carefully out of the boot. DO NOT pull the liner away from the plastic of the CAMWALKER.